The Impact of High-Altitude and Ground-Level Nuclear Explosions on an Electromagnetic Pulse

The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a powerful burst of energy that can cause significant harm to electronic equipment. It is generated by a nuclear explosion that interacts with certain layers of the atmosphere, creating a shock wave that propagates along communication lines. This shock wave can induce high voltages and currents, which can damage or destroy delicate electronics and electrical systems. The EMP from a high-altitude nuclear explosion is much more intense than one from a ground-level detonation.

This is because the high-altitude explosion compresses the magnetic field, creating an EMP that is emitted from the front and directed by a special focusing antenna. This type of EMP can cover a large area, potentially damaging or destroying electronic equipment thousands of kilometers away. The effects of an EMP are similar to those of a lightning bolt, with voltage surges that can overload or interrupt many high-tech electrical systems and microcircuits. A single large weapon exploding at an altitude of 200 miles could cover the entire United States with an intense enough EMP to damage computers, communication systems, and other electronic devices.

Unfortunately, the military may have failed to test the survivability of EMPs, leading to inaccurate conclusions about their effects on commercial electronic devices. It is essential to understand the difference between high-altitude and ground-level nuclear explosions on an EMP in order to protect sensitive equipment from potential damage.

Preston Mcnealy
Preston Mcnealy

Passionate musicaholic. Devoted zombie guru. Hardcore tv advocate. Hipster-friendly food practitioner. Proud internet buff.